Multi-frame oscillogram |
Multi-frame oscillogram with full colour modifications |
Envelope overlaid on oscillogram |
Envelope and automatic temporal measurements |
Spectral analyses |
2D-spectrogram |
Dominant frequency overlaid on spectrogram |
2D spectrogram and oscillogram with full colour modifications |
Sound synthesis |
Fundamental frequency overlaid on spectrogram |
Multiframe output |
3D-spectrogram animated |
Instantaneous frequency (Hilbert transform) |
Removing amplitude modulations |
Generation of echoes |
Frequency filter (FIR) |
Envelope comparaison |
Spectrum cross-correlation |
Waterfall plot |
Symbol analysis |
Changing the color palette |
Computing specific spectra |
dB weightings |
Quantitative data multi-plot |
Octave series
Peaks detection
Local peak detection
Animated frequency bands
Contour spectrogram
Dominant frequency track in noisy conditions
Dominant frequency track
Spectrogram annotation
Oscillogram highlight
Wide spectrogram
Long spectrogram
C major scale
ggplot2 spectrogram with contour NEW |
ggplot2 spectrogram other output NEW |
tonal synthesis: FM reversion NEW |
tonal synthesis: linear frequency shift NEW |
tonal synthesis: square function NEW |
tonal synthesis: Bell-like shape NEW |